Victim Services
- Domestic Violence Coordinator: 301-475-4200 ext. 1959; Tuesday - Saturday 8am-4pm
- Victim Services Coordinator: 301-475-4200 ext. 8075; Monday - Friday 9am-5pm
- Duty Officer: 301-475-4040 - Available 24/7
- If you are in an emergency situation, dial 9-1-1 immediately

The St. Mary's County Sheriff’s Office hosts the Silent Angel Memorial annual reflection and remembrance event at the Bay District Volunteer Firehouse honoring those who have lost their lives through acts of violence. The evening is coordinated by members of the Criminal Investigations Division, and families of victims are invited to attend and hang an ornament on the memorial tree, which is then transported to an SMCSO District Station and kept on display throughout the holiday season.
Domestic Violence Unit
The Domestic Violence Unit is responsible for follow-up investigations on all domestic-related crimes involving intimate partners. The Domestic Violence Unit provides assistance to the victims of domestic violence through offering community resources, referrals to court advocates, and advising the process of obtaining a Protective/Peace Order and filing for criminal charges.
Crime Victims Services
Victim Services assists victims of crimes by contacting victims during or after the investigation of the crime. Victim Services works closely with local agencies to secure the services necessary to alleviate the physical, emotional, and financial impact of the crime.
Additional Resources
- Southern Maryland Center for Family Advocacy - Provides advocacy, legal assistance, and information/referral to victims of domestic violence in the Southern Maryland region.
- Office of the State's Attorney, St. Mary's County - Additional information and resources for victims and witnesses as they participate in the court process.
- Walden - Provides a comprehensive array of crisis, behavioral health, trauma, and recovery services dedicated to bringing "Help for today. Hope for tomorrow."
- Hospice of St. Mary's Grief Support - Committed to providing compassionate grief services and support to adults, teens, and children who are grieving the loss of a family member or close friend.
- LifeStyles, Inc. - Supports people in crisis by providing emergency assistance and through partnerships provides referrals for health and human service needs.
- VINELink (Victim Information and Notification Everyday) - Provides information on offender custody status changes and criminal case information.
- Maryland Crime Victims Resource Center (MCVRC) - Provides support services and education to crime victims and their families as well as advocating for victims' rights in the state of Maryland.
- Maryland Criminal Injuries Compensation Board (CICB) - A remedial body designed to provide aid and assistance to victims of crime in Maryland.
- Governor's Office of Crime Control & Prevention - Victim Services - Provides information and resources for victims.
- Maryland Crime Victims and Witnesses: Your Rights and Services - Brochure provided to crime victims/witnesses.